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The Dyslexia Resource Center is helping open the door for the 1 in 5 people with dyslexia.
Who We We Are
for scientifically proven dyslexia resources, training, and support in Louisiana and surrounding states.
with dyslexia deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential, and we're passionate about making a lasting difference in their lives.
The Dyslexia Resource Center is proud to support Louisiana Key Academy, a free public charter school dedicated to students with dyslexia. Our shared mission ensures that students not only receive an outstanding education but also benefit from cutting-edge resources, testing, tutoring, and teacher training. Together, we’re creating a brighter future for students across Louisiana.
Let’s Take the Mystery Out of Dyslexia Dyslexia
If you or someone you love has dyslexia, you've likely witnessed their struggle. It's painful to feel helpless.
That's why the Dyslexia Resource Center is a helping hand for parents, educators, and other community champions. Together, we can break the cycle of stigma and take the mystery out of dyslexia.
Preparing your child for success begins with understanding a dyslexia diagnosis. Find out how we can support you and your child.
If you teach or provide services for dyslexic children in your community, we consider you a Champion!
If you’re one of the few in your area who’s passionate about supporting people with dyslexia, we’re here for you! Get the latest tips and training with our professional development workshops, certifications and more.
Building a better, brighter community begins with offering educational and supportive resources at the grassroots level — to the people you serve on a daily basis who want a chance to live productive, healthy lives.
We work with state and private institutions to provide screening, testing, and consulting services, as well as professional development and certification opportunities.
Are you looking for ways to better prepare your students for a world of success?
Learn more about our evidence-based resources for students and staff, including screening tools, interactive workshops and more.
There are many ways you can get involved and support Dyslexia Resource Center initiatives.
Bill of Rights Rights
The Dyslexia Bill of Rights outlines the rights any person with dyslexia should be granted.
Our key relationships furthering dyslexia education and personifying the Dyslexia Bill of Rights include:
The founder of the Dyslexia Resource Center also founded Louisiana Key Academy, the only public charter school in Louisiana just for students with Dyslexia. Today, the +5 years relationship between the center and the academy provides Dyslexia screening and testing support and materials to the academy, as well as teacher training and professional development to the teaching staff.
The mission at the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity is a mission we share. In short, to illuminate, disseminate, and transform the world for dyslexic individuals and their families. Our founder partnered with the Yale Center's founders to further this close-to-our heart goal that led to the DRC becoming the only Louisiana-based organization recognized and endorsed by the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity. We're both passionate about making accurate information accessible to communities so that we can work towards ending the stigma that surrounds dyslexia.
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What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia Services
The Dyslexia Resource Center was started by a group of concerned parents, medical doctors, and advocates who simply want everyone to know the truth about dyslexia, based on the most current science, and how that knowledge can translate into success in the classroom.
An unexpected difficulty in reading for an individual who has the intelligence to be a much better reader.
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